Meet some of the Team
Team Photo
Valais lamb K2
Some of the Valais sheep on the farm. They are part of a breeding program and we show them in Iowa.
Lyra and her koi pond
Meet Lyra! She has been with us for a little over a year after being recused from the streets of Brazil. Her first few months in the States were very challenging. She was in a new country, and a new home and missing her brothers and sisters. AND to top that all off…..she arrived during a March snow storm! Poor thing had a lot to adjust to…..and boy did she adjust. While she was initially quite scared and timid….she has come out of her shell and loves to meet new people. She loves to go on long walks and…..sit in the pond with her fish! We have learned a lot about resilience from her and believe that she has a great deal to share with anyone who she may cross paths with.
I found Gotti on FB page looking for rescue from a kill pen in North Carolina. Don’t understand who could send such a cuttie to a kill pen we started working on a rescue plan. While we were reaching out to secure him and transport and rescue grabbed him up. The pen put me in touch with the women who had him and the rest is history! His sad past is just that now…his past. He now rules the petting zoo and loves attention and scratches.
Meet Duckie! Duckie joined us this past fall and we are still getting to know him. He came with us from UT and so far we have been super impressed with this guy! While he clearly wasn't always treated well he is learning to enjoy grooming and treats. He has a lot to teach us as we work to show him the good life in PA.
Meet Bugsy! Bugs was the best dog at the wedding of Winston and Willow. He is the farm mayor and will be the first to greet you at your car with a toy in his mouth.
WINSTON! He’s all grown up now but forever my baby boy!
In memory of Max…..we miss you!